Wednesday, January 14, 2015

“Let’s Legalize Regulate And Tax Marijuana!’ Congressman Blumenauer

During the crisis just over our borders with the Drug Wars in Mexico, we have been watching an escalation of crime creeping over the borders here. Many that favor legalizing Marijuana believe that we ought to legalize pot, regulate it, and tax it. They say this would indeed weaken the drug cartels and gangs by taking away a major cash product for them.

That’s ridiculous, as the Drug Cartels, have all sorts of other more dangerous drugs to make money with and they are ruthless, they are everywhere and they know exactly what they are doing. In fact, if you are a border town police chief and not on the Drug Cartels payroll, your life expectancy is something like three-days now.

Still many in the US who want to see drugs legalized will tell you; “Our government’s solution is to declare war on drugs and it just does not seem like it is working.”

They realize of course that there are those who like the way things are, control huge amounts of money flows, and love the fact that the government removes their competition in the illegal drug trade? As far as Marijuana, I don’t smoke it, and really don’t care one way or the other, but the THC in high quality pot is quite bad for the human body.

If we allow pot to be legalized, there are a whole slew of other social, legal and health issues that go along with it. As far as legalizing marijuana to stop the drug wars in Mexico, well, that really is not the world’s best argument, although I am not surprised the promoters of legalized pot are using it. Think on this.

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Article Source:

September 09, 2014 C-SPAN

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