All the facts from the video in order:
Marijuana does NOT kill brain cells!
There has NEVER been a case of lung cancer or disease from marijuana use!
There is NO medicine that has as many medical benefits as cannabis
For more than 4,000 years, cannabis has been one of the most widely used medicines
And there have been NO deaths from marijuana use – ever!
Hemp and marijuana are 2 different varieties of the
cannabis plant
You CAN’T get high from hemp – yet it is still illegal to grow!
Hemp can eliminate global warming, acid rain, and
Cannabis is the most useful plant known to man! – And it’s illegal! It can make over 50,000 products!
There is NO tree or plant on Earth able to produce as much paper as hemp
Just 1 acre of hemp produces as much paper as 4 acres of trees
We wouldn’t have to cut down another tree again!
Hemp breathes in more carbon dioxide (a main greenhouse gas) than ANY other plant!
Ethanol pollutes 10 times less than oil
Hemp produces 10 times more ethanol than corn!
It is physically impossible to overdose from marijuana!
To overdose you must consume 1,500 pounds of
marijuana in 15 minutes – IMPOSSIBLE!
Cannabis was our planets LARGEST agricultural crop and most important industry for over 3,000 years!
Cannabis has been illegal for LESS than 1% of the time it has been in use
Because cannabis has been in use for 10,000 years!
Hemp seed is the most complete, nutritious food source
Hemp needs NO herbicides or pesticides!
Marijuana is the US’s LARGEST cash crop at $35 billion! Larger than corn and wheat combined!
All that money could be helping our economy and creating jobs instead of going to criminals
$20 BILLION per year could EASILY be made from tax revenues and not arresting on marijuana charges
Why exactly is marijuana illegal? Besides racism, ignorance..
Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind. – Harry Anslinger, testifying before Congress
..the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races. – Harry Anslinger
Marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly eat, marijuana is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man
A single glass of wine will impair your driving MORE than a joint
Marijuana is NOT considered a gateway drug
The entire gateway theory is no longer generally accepted
Marijuana is NOT considered addictive, because it produces no physical withdrawal
However, it can be habituating
Tobacco is the MOST addictive of ALL drugs!
While the caffeine in your coffee is MORE addictive than marijuana!
Marijuana is FAR less harmful than tobacco and alcohol
Tobacco kills more in the US each year than AIDS, heroin, crack, cocaine, alcohol, car accidents, fire, and murder COMBINED!
Tobacco and alcohol combined kill over half a MILLION in the US per year!
Legalizing marijuana would NOT make it more available to children OR increase hard drug use!
It would eliminate interaction with drug dealers, who don’t care who their paying customer is and often deal in harder drugs
Over 20 MILLION people have been arrested on marijuana charges
via Web Design by Creatives Inside
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