Saturday, August 15, 2015

Is Marijuana Addictive?

Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between myths and facts about Marijuana. That is because just like anything else so many people have heard these comments or suggestions and passed them along as true. The more something circulates through society, the more believable it becomes even when it is incorrect. The purpose of this article is to dispel the top myths about Marijuana use. Read on for more information:

Myth #1: Marijuana causes permanent mental damage

While it is true that Marijuana use can alter a person’s thought process and judgment, it does not cause permanent mental illness. Research has shown that large quantity or more potent Marijuana can cause a temporary psychosis, extreme anxiety and paranoia, but the results are temporary. This is fairly uncommon and is generally in large doses or when the Marijuana is eaten instead of smoked. Marijuana can, however, lead to poor judgment that may result in negative life time changes.

Myth #2: You can’t get hooked on pot

Marijuana is addictive; however it is not highly addictive. Much of the dependence comes from a psychological crutch. Most people that smoke Marijuana only do so occasionally and can stop using. Others that smoke more frequently may require the help of a trained professional depending on how dependent they have become on Marijuana. Dependence on Marijuana comes from repeated use and individuals do not become addicted by using it once or twice. Do not let pot fool you though because it is very possible to become addicted.

Myth #3: Marijuana is harmless

Marijuana is harmful because individuals cannot only become addicted they also engage in other behaviors that can cause permanent problems. For example, when a person is under the influence of Marijuana they are twice as likely to engage in unprotected sexual behavior, make poor choices and even become physically aggressive. Repeated use also increases the chances of heart disease, cancer and other permanent health concerns.

For more Myths and Facts about Marijuana addiction as well as treatment options for those wishing to kick their addiction click here for more information.

Article Source:
via Web Design by Creatives Inside

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